6 Tips to Keep Your Home Safe from Pests During Storms

The storms and hurricanes are already disasters by themselves, and always have devastating results on homes, properties, across the area they pass by. But while you are strengthening the windows, roof, or any part of your property, or accumulating food, water or fuel before these disasters approaches. Do not forget about the other risks like pests. So, look out for pests. They might be searching for shelter to be safe from storms. While they are searching for shelter they can and mostly enter people’s property. So, we have prepared 6 tips for you to keep your property safe. 

6 Tips to Keep Your Home Safe from Pests During Storms

  1. Strengthen your pest control before the storm 

Before the storm actually hits, you shall check various things in your property to make the property strong so that it can stand up to the storm. Most importantly you should always check pest infestation from inside and outside every season. Also, if you go for a deep checkup then you can also notice some faults in structure. Moreover, you shall seal all the cracks using silicon-based closure. 

  1. Remove and drain standing water

It is basic yet one of the most ignored tips. Most of the time people do not pay attention to small things like these. If you keep the standing water then you will allow mosquitoes to breed. Although during storms the standing water is collected by heavy rainfall and flooding. But a small half-filled cap or half-inch of water is enough for them. Cover birdbaths, trashcans, lids, etc.

  1. Remove spoiled food and trash

Power outage during a storm is a normal thing. But a long power outage often leads to food spoilage and bad weather will also increase its speed. The bad food will attract pests like flies and cockroaches inside your home. Moreover, these insects can make your family really sick, and sickness during storms is something that we would not want to have. The food waste can also invite Rodents and other pests who seek shelter from the storm. So, remove the trash before the storm and keep them far. 

  1. Look out for water damage along with termites and other pests

This step is very important. Raw wood, which is caused by water damage will invite the termite that is one of the most problematic pests. The termite will enter your wood and will cost you a fortune by eating away all the wooden things in your house over time. Moreover, you will have to check that your house is leaning away, so that the water will not accumulate at the foundation of the structure, but will go away. Moreover, keep in mind that pests like ants that live underground will also come out seeking high ground. 

  1. Look for openings that occurred due to structural damage

Strong winds, rain, and hail during the storm can cause larger pests like rodents, raccoons, mice to find shelter in your home. A damaged area like roofs, siding, etc, can be a good way for them to get in. So before the storm hits, check for any structural damage. 

  1. Hire a Professional Pest Controller

If you think you have a pest infestation in your home contact a professional & licensed pest control company and get proper assessment and treatment. 

Exterminate After Storm Pests with Our Efficient Services

If even after following all these steps you can see pests in your property then it is time for you to call Pest Control Hilton. We provide you with the best pest control solution after the storm. No matter which pest has infiltrated your property our company can handle it all. Not only is our company affordable but our quality of services is never low. Our master specialists and highly skilled staff are also very experienced. So, in case you require our pest control services for post storm pest control then just give us a call.